Going out!

Going out to nature transform us into better human beigns. But for that to occur we need to know more, be prepared and know what to do under the different places Chihuahua has to offer. 


That's why we specialize in knowing history from the places we visit. As well we get to know the locals around the places, so we can be there in a safe way. 


  • Learn to be out in Nature, with respect and enjoying the different activities. 
  • Share Rock Climbing as a Life Style: safe, concious, and responsable. 
  • Educate others and educate us with the best techniques and actions: in theory and in a practice to climb better.

Going out to the Mountains

Going out with us. You will be guided by a local guide, whose knowledge and experience will give you a pleasant, safe and fun trip.

It might include some rockclimbing, trailrunning, canyoneering or rappel. And for sure some extra knowledge about the flora or fauna from the place.

Some Locations:

  • National Park of Cumbres de Majalca y Nvo. Majalca

  • San Antonio El Grande (Aquiles Serdan)

  • Sierra of Nombre de Dios

  • Pegüis Canyon

  • Creel y surroundings

  • Basaseachi y surroundings

  • Sierra of Juárez and Samalayuca (Sand Dunes)

  • Peñoles (Best Bouldering area in Mexico)

  • And many more.... 

(Valleys, Rukiraso Waterfall, Copper Canyon, Rekowata Hotsprings)

(Piedra Volada Waterfall y El Gigante in Candameña Canyon)