
Climbing Safety

Already climbing? Get to know the safest way to do it. Don't make the same mistakes or common ones that could cause an accident o put you into a position that you don't want to be. 



  • Review some of the most common accident when climbing. 
  • Learn safe techniques and practices as you climb. 
  • Reaffirm your knowledge and create good foundations to continue developing as a climber. 

What will you learn?

The course will help you to create a solid base to practice rockclimbing safely; avoid mistakes that can lead into accidents. As well as we'll review the best practices to not get in trouble and have the knowledge to be able to leave without any problem. 


1 day: theory session (3hrs) and climbing in the outdoors




  • Have some knowledge in rockclimbing, as well as having some gear to practice. 
  • Fill out the Course Register application.
  • Advance payment (50%) or full payment of the fee.

Date and program:

Reserve your date with 8 days in advance. The course is enabled all year. 


Tell us when you want to go and we'll gladly schedule!