
"Because we are alive while someone remebers us..." 

Sharing stories make us remember those moments we live for, giving us inspiration to become better persons.


Here you will find some stories that we live in the mountain, were we discover and rediscover ourselves and the nature around us. While we climb, hike and walk and laugh. 

¡Because being outside it's better!


Our BLOG...

Expedición El Gigante
2013-11-21 16:35 Expedición El Gigante   La TEHUE de El Gigante en la Barranca de Candameña.  Chihuahua, México Hacía tiempo ya de la última publicación, pues bien por razones externas el tiempo pasó más rápido. Y no hubo momentos para dedicarle a la escritura. Ahora, qué mejor que comentando una noticia excelen...

We want to begin with the second wave for bolting glue-ins in San Antonio El Grande, and we need your help to develop another world class crag. With the most safety! Get to know more about the project here...

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Blog Description

Get to know us and join the Climber's way of life! Here's our ideas and why we exist.